Days Gone: The Game to Fill Your Zombie Appetite

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The fact that this game is inspired by World War Z is a no-brainer (zombie pun not intended).

A lot of folks out there liken this PS4 exclusive to the hit zombie-survival game The Last of Us. But this is to be expected. When a game creates a big splash, most game that are released in the same genre will often be compare it. You can cite numerous examples from Assassin’s Creed to Elder Scrolls to Metal Gear Solid.

Which is why, senior staff artist Brian Page assured us that it is otherwise, saying “I think this is on the opposite end of the spectrum from The Last of Us. It’s more over the top, its more extreme. The sheer number [of zombies] we have shows that. In The Last of Us you’d come across one or two at a time and make your way between them. This is more of a run and gun style, over the top extreme action”.

Now the aforementioned “extreme action” becomes fairly obvious as scores of zombies run towards you like an undead wave. The premise does look interesting and we loved the zombie action in World War Z. But the official verdict can only be ascertained once the game eventually releases. We hope the best for this one!

Source: GameNewsOfficial. “DAYS GONE – Gameplay Demo (E3 2016)”. YouTube. Published on Jun 21, 2016.



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