How to Use these 3 Marketing Strategies to Build your Business

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Last time you learned what content marketing was and what makes it a vital part of any business. Today, you will learn 3 of the best content marketing strategies to grow your audience, give them value, and build your business.

Content Strategies that Work

  • Lists

Everyone loves lists. The human mind loves to organize and compartmentalize information. You see them everywhere including social media, magazines, and all sorts of different websites.

Take a look at BuzzFeed or Mashable to see how effective a good list can be. They are concise and easy for readers to quickly scan and gain valuable information.

In our fast-paced world where time is the most valuable asset we have, list posts are becoming more popular than ever. Lists allow your audience to quickly process the information you are presenting and easily share it with their friends – a great way to gain new followers.

  • Podcasts

Podcasts are a great way to get your customers more engaged with you and your brand.

People love to listen to podcasts while they multitask. With modern technology and smartphones, you can easily become a part of your ideal prospects’ and customers’ daily commute or shopping trip.

Podcasts are also a simple way to reach more individuals than you might through just the written word since many people prefer listening to reading content. Plus, longer podcasts are a great way to give your audience a ton of value and build a lasting relationship that keeps them coming back.

  • Videos

Videos can be used by virtually any business.

They can be long and educational or short and funny. Whatever type of video you choose, it does a great job of visually introducing you and your personality to your audience.

With Periscope, Meerkat, and Facebook Live, you can interact with your audience in real-time like never before. Your audience can see you, hear you, and instantly feel a connection. You can even host your video on YouTube which has a massive built-in audience to reach new users every day.

With so many options and formats for video, this makes it a highly effective content marketing strategy for any brand or business.

Start Making Your Content Work for You Today

Hopefully, these 3 strategies help you diversify your content marketing and get better results.

Truth is, if you’re using just one type of content to connect with your prospects and market your products and services, you’re not realizing the true potential of this powerful marketing strategy. Instead, try incorporating one of these strategies you’re not already using this week and see how your audience reacts.

Different platforms and types of content will appeal to different audiences. And by understanding what your target customers enjoy most, you’ll be able to leverage these strategies to the fullest. Start diversifying the type of content you’re producing, and watch as you start building lasting relationships with new and different readers.



