Life on the Go: Understand Pokemon Go and why you should be playing it

Views: 1467

If you have been outside lately or, if you prefer to spend time indoors, you have been on the internet (which we’re sure you have), then you are fully aware of a new craze sweeping the world. This mania has been reported to cure depression, create traffic jams, get people to exercise and break usage records; the average time spent on the said mania is 43 minutes and 23 seconds a day which is higher than WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat and Messenger. This is where we insert a “if you were a 90s kid” remark about all the nostalgic moments spent collection Pokemon cards (sigh).

Why did we compare this event to WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat and Messenger? Because it is the app; Pokemon Go.

When your app has managed to outlast WhatsApp and Snapchat in terms of usage time within just a week of its release, then you deserve to be noticed. So what is Pokemon Go?

To give a bit of background on the app, we need to travel back in time to 90s. A Japanese software company released a global phenomenon named Pokemon, a game where you control “trainers” who travel to world to catch, collect and train monsters named Pokemon – ghosts, furry reptiles, slimes, fishes and more – and use these critters to participate in battles. The tagline used to launch this game was “Gotta catch ’em all”, which is its eventual aim. You, as the trainer, should venture out into the world, collect as many (preferably all) Pokemon you can catch, battle the top trainers known as “Gym Leaders”, eventually battle the “Elite Four” and reign supreme as the Pokemon Master.

So what is different about Pokemon Go? Here’s a short video explaining it all. Go for it! Click on the play button!

