Movie Trivia Part 1

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Did you know that the chest thumping scene performed by Matthew McConaughey was completely improvised? Now you do and now you shall also learn other incredible facts about famous movies. Here we go.

The Wolf of Wall Street


Matthew McConaughey’s scenes were shot on the second week of filming. The chest beating and humming performed by him was improvised and actually a warm-up rite that he performs before acting. When Leonardo DiCaprio saw it while filming, the brief shot of him looking away uneasily from the camera was actually him looking at Martin Scorsese for approval. DiCaprio encouraged them to include it in their scene and later claimed it “set the tone” for the rest of the film.

Star Wars Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back


Another of the asteroids is actually a potato. It appears just as the Millennium Falcon first enters the field. Two asteroids travel from the top left to the bottom right corner of the screen. Just after the second asteroid leaves the screen a third one appears in the top left corner. This is the potato.

Liar Liar


When Fletcher literally beats himself up in the restroom, no sound effects were used; those are really the sounds of Jim Carrey’s head slamming into the urinal, floor and walls.

Dirty Harry


The movie’s most famous line is often misquoted. A lot of people mistakenly quote the line as “Do you feel lucky, punk?”, while the actual line is “You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?”



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