Spider-Man slings back to the PlayStation 4

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Insomniac Games and Spider-Man are set to partner up for the Playstation 4. Now if you remember what Insomniac had done with Sunset Overdrive (if you haven’t, we have a video for you at the end of this post) then you will realize that they might just seem like the perfect developer to tackle the web-slinger’s game. If you haven’t played Sunset Overdrive, that is alright because we still think they are perfect for taking on Spidey! Sadly though, there is no release date for the game but this is understandable since the game is still in early development.

There have been several Spider-Man games in the past that were released as tie-ins to the movies. While they did have their own individual successes (or moderate successes), this one seems to take the game into an entirely new direction. Similar to Batman’s Arkham series, this particular Spider-Man game will not be connected with the upcoming reboot of the film franchise (or past versions of the Spidey movies) but take on a whole new form of its own. Now this has worked tremendously well for Batman and we are keeping our expectations high. Plus, Insomniac are the brains behind massively popular games like Spyro and Rachet & Clank. Who doesn’t love Spyro? The folks here at emkan owe many hours of their childhood to the awesomeness of the purple dragon and his scaly adventures!

Brian Intihar, Creative Director of Insomniac Games, stated in a post over at PlayStation US’ blog that both the studio and Marvel felt like Insomniac Games and Spider-Man are a “match made in heaven”. He also stated that the Spider-Man game won’t be an origin story because it features Peter Parker in a seasoned state.

One of the most intriguing parts of this title is Spider-Man’s costume, which received mixed reactions from Spider-Man’s fanbase. But similar to the old adage, don’t judge a book by its cover or the costume of the character on the cover (we made the last part up), this idea could be something that could fall flat on its face or end up becoming a new trend. We just have to wait and see.

“Having released Ratchet & Clank, we feel confident in our ability to create a showpiece for the console. And we’re downright giddy bringing Spidey’s acrobatic abilities, improvisation, and web-slinging to life. But we also want to introduce new elements that players have never experienced with Spider-Man, ranging from traversing with parkour and utilizing the environment, to new combat and blockbuster set-pieces,” Intihar also stated.

Spider-Man was announced at Sony’s E3 conference this year in a form of a teaser trailer. It has been confirmed by Insomniac Games that the game will be exclusive to PlayStation 4. This would be the first time ever that the studio will work on an IP that did not originate in-house. Based on the trailer, it looks like that this Spider-Man game will be an open-world third-person action game; just like how it is expected in a Spider-Man game. We have to say – float like Spiderman; swing in an open-world like a web-slinger!

Check out Spiderman the trailer!

Source: PlayStation. Spider-Man – E3 2016 Trailer | PS4. Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, Jun 13, 2016.

Put it into overdrive: Sunset Overdrive gameplay

Source: outsidexbox. Sunset Overdrive Gameplay – Xbox One Gameplay. Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, Jun 9, 2014.

