Watch how this weatherman handled the weather report with aplomb after his map glitched!

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So we have all been in tight spots at work when something that seemingly should be running smoothly just decides to crash. That’s when you are left dumbfounded and faced with a dilemma. Now, you could choose to do one of two things:

  1. You could ponder the disaster with intense concentration while avoiding the obvious embarrassment you are facing or,
  2. You could do what this quick-thinking weatherman did; adapt to the scenario.

When the screen decided to reveal a cluster of errors relating to the weather, this weatherman does not wilt under the pressure. Rather, he decides to use the situation for a piece of hilarious moment in weather reporting history. We say; he needs a raise!

Source: FOX 10 Phoenix. “Weather map goes crazy on the air.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, Jan 28, 2015.

