Why 100 Million People are Using Snapchat Every Day (And Maybe You Should Too)

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What’s better than being better?

Being different.

Snapchat was launched in 2011 by 3 Stanford students. Since then, it has gone on to become one of, if not the, biggest social media apps in the world.

What’s the Secret to Snapchat’s Success?

One of the creators, Evan Spiegel, put it this way: “It seems odd that at the beginning of the Internet everyone decided everything should stick around forever.”

Instead of copying what everyone else was doing, the students took a chance and created something completely unique. Snapchat did away with the permanence and structure of all other social media giants and instead focused on creating a platform that cultivated freedom.

Rather than inducing anxiety, Snapchat allowed the user to create content and share it with their friends without the stress of knowing it will be on the internet forever.

This was a major shift.

It Was the First Platform That Allowed You to Interact with Other Users without Performance Anxiety

Instead, it created an atmosphere of intimacy. Sending messages over Snapchat was like sharing a secret. Snapchat included a human element that was lacking in all other social media platforms.

And smart marketers are taking notice.

Snapchat’s Massive Reach

Today, Snapchat’s audience is huge. Of all 18 – 34 year olds in the United States, Snapchat interacts with up to 41% daily. This market is turned off by blatant advertising and doesn’t like to feel like it’s being sold to. However, it loves a good story – and Snapchat is the perfect platform to tell those stories.

This creates a powerful environment for brands and influencers to leverage. The stories behind the brands are easier to digest in quick bursts and instantly grab audiences’ attention.
Take a look at what Gatorade did.

On Super Bowl Sunday, Gatorade made a special “lens” available. This was a filter that allowed the user to take part in the famous Gatorade dunk – the indescribable moment of victory when a cooler of Gatorade is dumped over the champions.
The result?

  • Over 165 million views
  • Enhanced audience engagement
  • Increased brand awareness

All from a simple filter on Snapchat.

What’s the Future Look like with Snapchat?

Snapchat has consistently grown because its developers are not afraid to try new things. Be bold. Be different. There’s no telling what the future holds for this revolutionary platform, but if your target demographic is under the age of 35, do yourself a favor and get on Snapchat.

By doing so, there’s a solid chance your future will be even brighter.

